Post-trip: Jonathan Moon

Spending one whole week with a group of strangers initially seemed like an impossible task. A trip full of awkward silences was a reality I was resigned to when signing up for this program. I could not have imagined the sheer number of activities the group would partake in, allowing us to form bonds that usually would have taken months. In what seems like too short of a time, I’ve established close friendships, learning more about the nineteen other people in the course and myself. I entered this course to get a good grade and, hopefully, something I could write in my college application. However, what I’ve gotten is infinitely more valuable in that I’ve formed relationships with others that will last longer than the week spent together. Now, I have new connections not only in multiple states of the US but all over the world. Saying goodbye to a group of close friends after just a week seemed impossible; however, I got through the farewells knowing that I would be meeting these people again and that these bonds would last past the initial week.


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